Resource Roundup – 11.15.13

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This week’s roundup has lots of goodies. Let’s get to it.

[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#231F20″ background=”#5AC0FF”]1[/dropcap]Patty Chang Anker released her book Some Nerve: Lessons Learned While Becoming Brave back in October. From the title you can probably tell that it’s all about overcoming fear. I picked it up and have been reading it and she does a very good job letting you in on the thoughts and feelings that often go along while facing your fears, plus she’s really funny.

She also wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy blog with three helpful tips for overcoming fear and this gem:

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]“Accepting that a measure of discomfort is a part of life but that we’re strong enough to weather it for a higher good may give us a sense of purpose and belonging. It may even help combat one of our deepest fears – of missing out on a life worth living – and win.”[/quote]


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“Tears, doubts, fears and loneliness.”
That’s how one of Izzy Arkin’s latest post starts.

I love when people give you a peek behind the curtain to show you what it really takes to live their dreams, especially when they talk about their fears or the not so sexy stuff that they deal with.

Izzy does just that in his post, “The Dark Side of Pursuing Dreams (Warning: Read At Your Own Risk).” As I mentioned in my last resource roundup, Izzy moved to Japan to pursue his dream of becoming a ninja. And although I suspect most of you don’t have the same dream (I know I don’t), just knowing that he still experiences some of the same fears and doubts that we do and hasn’t given up on his dream is enough to make this post an inspiring read.


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This next one’s a two-for-one resource. The Huffington post has an app called GPS for the Soul where it provides tips and inspiration to help you keep your stress level down. It looks pretty cool.

They also have a section online by the same title that provides tips and inspiration too. I found this article that they posted with inspirational quotes about overcoming your fear along with some funny pictures. My favorite is the dog on the diving board.


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Bethany Rosselit
shares how it ultimately took her about an hour to overcome her fear and chase her dreams after spending 10 years fearfully living a life that was all wrong. I love this story. It’s filled with lots of good tips from someone who’s actually done it.


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Simple and straightforward tips from Nancy Sathre-Vogel on how to overcome fear. What makes this post extra helpful is that Nancy and her family have an awesome story. For four years, they traveled around the world together on bicycles. This post also has links to other helpful blogs that she wrote about fear.


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And finally a short post from Seth Godin, “The first lie…”

Seth Godin’s writing is so good because he does a fantastic job getting to the heart of the matter without belaboring any points. I love this short post about various lies we tell ourselves about what it takes to make a place for yourself in this world and also about the people who are already doing it. We all have fear.

Have you read this week’s interview yet? Check it out:
Interview with Lindsey Swett – “Use Fear to your Advantage”


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